Free Learners Test | k53 learners licence test - Questions and Answers


2. ♦ Rules of the road - k 53 learner licence


One must bring all senses into action during the search for hazards especially the eyes.

• It is essential for a driver to be aware of everything going on around him so that he can react in the correct manner.

• Certain hazards can be predicted under certain circumstances.

• At an intersection in an urban area there could be pedestrians, cyclists, motorcycles and other traffic arriving from several directions in different lanes, which in turn may have different road markings, and road signs that regulate your own and other's movements. Remember you have to share the road safely.

• Generally, where traffic meet or crosses presents the greatest danger.

• There are various such intersections e.g. traffic circles, on - and off ramps on freeways, hidden entrances to houses, traffic light controlled intersections, stop streets, junctions where one must yield etc.

• There are other situations, such as lane - changing and overtaking where    maneuvers may be prohibited. When weather conditions are poor, one must consider how these could cause restricted visibility and slippery surface, and the dangers flowing there from, especially with worn tyres.

• One must be aware that where the road narrows, e.g. where two lanes merge or where vehicles are parked, someone may attempt to share the lane. One must predict the dangers that may arise from these situations..




• When a hazard has been identified during the search process the question should be asked:

“Is it a stationary or a moving hazard and how will it affect my speed or direction.



• Once the hazard has been identified, it is necessary to predict how it could affect you.

• If the hazard can move, what are all the possible ways in which it can affect you?

• Is the hazard moving away or towards or away from you, at what speed and where can a collision occur?

• What is the potential of the hazard for causing a  collision?

• How can you avoid the collision and influence other road users?