• RULES OF THE ROAD must be obeyed at all times, except in cases where a police officer or traffic officer or a road sign indicates otherwise.
• The rules of the road is a system that will allow road users to reach their destination safely.
• Always use the road according to these rules, to ensure your own safety, as well as that of all other road users.
• The primary rule of the road is: Keep Left, Pass Right
© Copyright 2016 "K53Pass Right" by The Right Media. All rights reserved.
• This general rule means that one should keep to the lefthand side of the road, even on multi-lane roads and dual-carriage way freeways, where there may be two or more traffic lanes.
• You should move over to the right-hand side lane only when you want to pass slower traffic ahead of you.
• After overtaking, return to the left lane as soon as it is safe to do so.
• Always remember to signal your intention to change from one lane to another